In 2007 the world Montessori community celebrates the 100th anniversary of a revolution in education.
100 years ago Dr Maria Montessori began to explore the true nature of childhood through extensive scientific observation. We proudly recognize a century of great work, inspired by these discoveries:
the purpose of education is to nurture the energies of childhood ?intellectual, physical, emotional, moral and spiritual ?so that every member of the human race can make a constructive contribution to the world.
all children deserve the best possible conditions at every stage of their development.
all children, in the best educational conditions develop creative and flexible minds easily adapted to the complexities of human society.
all children, in the best educational conditions demonstrate innate discipline, joyful and focused work and empathy with others. They are tireless and selfless in their work.
all children possess inner directives to guide their own development.
all children fully developed become individuals committed to human solidarity, social progress and peace.
We declare our commitment now and in the future:
to participate in a universal social movement that places children at the centre of society, recognizing them as citizens of the world.
to promote knowledge and understanding of the conditions necessary for the full development of the human being from conception to maturity both at home and in society.
to create a climate of opinion and opportunities for the full development of the potential of all young people so that humanity may work in harmony for a higher and more peaceful civilization.
to reform education as a reciprocal, lifelong process in which every member of the human race is profoundly engaged.