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Montessory Centenary Exhibition in Toronto
What is Montessori Maria Montessori Montessori Reading FAQ
Maria Montessori graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome in 1896, and was the first woman to practise medicine in Italy.

As a physician, Dr. Montessori came to be involved with young children. Through scientific observation, she came to see how children interact with their environment and the living beings within it. She also observed how they learned as they used the scientific materials she provided. Another of her discoveries was the fact that children in the process of development undergo specific, distinct phases.

Her approach to education stemmed from a solid grounding in biology, psychology and anthropology and she came to believe that education of children is the only means to elevate society.

Throughout her life, she continued to observe children around the world, and found that the laws of development she had recognized were universal and inherent in children of all races and culture.

Montessori education continues to be respected and practiced internationally and taught to children of all races and cultures. It is becoming increasingly relevant within the family as well as in educational institutions.


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